This all came about when I first noticed that my projects on Ravelry amount to 13. Well I have to confess to being a little! on the superstitious side so immeadiately went EEEEKKKKK. What is a girl to do 13 projects very unlucky, at playgroup earlier that day my friend Rose showed us her newest purchase, a cute lttle phone sock that had Eeyore on (my favourite character, I was soooooo jealous). Hey I thought great little quick project to take me up to number 14 and wipe out all the bad luck heading my way. It was also the eve of Max's birthday and we were (hubby and I)supposed to be wrapping presents (his job) putting up balloons, banners and doing final prep for his party the next day (my jobsssssss). Did I metion that I am a tad on the awkward side? good that explains why I cast on a phone sock in order to expel any bad luck that may rain down on Max's birthday (Max's birthday/party outside/rain can you see my logic because hubby couldn't) instead of doing all the other jobs I should have benn doing. In my defense it was early when I cast it on about 8pm and Max being excited about the next day wasn't asleep and I wasn't going to start decorating the house until he was asleep.
In spite of the arguments between hubby and I about me sat knitting when I had loads to do the phone sock was completed by the end of the evening in spite of putting it down very few rows to blow up a few more balloons or hunt out the banners from wherever I'd hidden them. I also managed to get everything else done even if bedtime came rather late.
In spite of the arguments between hubby and I about me sat knitting when I had loads to do the phone sock was completed by the end of the evening in spite of putting it down very few rows to blow up a few more balloons or hunt out the banners from wherever I'd hidden them. I also managed to get everything else done even if bedtime came rather late.
The next day guests came for Max's party and he had a fantastic time with loads of pressies and playmates and being center of attention. My phone was left on the breakfast bar wearing it's new sock and had many admiring glances and wow thats greats!!! It was only a matter of time before the question Will you make me one please? was asked. And the prize went to Paige my 13 year old niece.

I didn't make it there and then, it was my childs party and even I won't push hubby's patience that far !!!!!!! but when she came round the next weekend and had a rummage through ny oddment baskets I asked her if she was sure about 4 times before I said ok. Pastel pink baby dk with hot pink and silvery threads eyelash stripes Hmmmmm. I have to confess it looked a little better finished than I thought it would. Paige anyway loved it which is what matters most.
This is where my brain went into overdrive a little I think. I suddenly had a thought about teachers leaving pressies for the end of the school year. Max was finishing both playgroup and preschool completley and s
tarting big school September and Zakk was moving up a year and so changing teachers. Now being so young there are a lot of assistant teachers etc in the classes. Also after coming out of a huge run of birthdays in out family over the last 10 weeks or so (5 of them in our house). Basically around 75%of the whole close family, all of our parents, hubby's siblings, some of their children and all but 1 of our household are in this period the bank balance at this time of year is never very healthy. After a quick count of how many presents needed, 3 for playgroup, usually 6 for preschool but then they went and got 4 work experience kids in. Same for Zakk's school, usually 4 but they also had student experince in so that went up to 6. That is a lot of presents to get and even worse when you are on a restricted budget trying to get large quantities of the same thing is a nightmare. Not helped by the fact that evryone else is chasing the same thing. That is when my brainwave struck, PHONE SOX as pressies for all the teachers, they wouldn't cost anything with the amount of oddments I have never mind digging into my stash if I needed it. I can knock one out in less than an hour including sewing up. PERFECT.

With good intentions I started off well and did a few the first night. I was trying to make them all individual one offs which was very easy at first, I even made my friend Rebecca from playgroup one in Aston Villa colours. She is a huge footie fan and so I knew would be more likely to use it if in her team colours. Playgroup ladies were the first to finish and so knowing I had lots more to do made a few extras so they had a choice. I filled them up with choclates as well placed them in a giftbag so they could all choose their favourite.
I repeated this again for preschool , much harder going and the dread of sitting down everynight to knit even more phone sox, I made 12 altogether and was getting fed up of them. I also had to leave the whole bag there as
Max finished at lunchtime and not all the teachers were there before lunch. That meant starting from scratch for Zakk's teachers and I ended up doing another 8. I was sooooo well and truly fed up although I did knit another one for my SIL as an extra for her birthday present in between preschool and normal school finishing. I was having nightmares about the darn things or so I thought, then I realised it wasn't a nightmare, it was real hubby was having a converstion about me knitting even more of the *$@$ things and selling them. How on earth I managed to stay calm and not run out the room sreaming with my hands over my ears I will never ever know.