I've just been having a quick blog browse through some peoples blogs who I know from various forums and
Ravelry etc (as you do whilst trying to avoid the housework) and stumbled over this very lovely surprise.
http://sheila-sheelagh.blogspot.com/2009/05/ive-won-blog-award.html?showComment=1241606760000#c4825876185048940655 .
So Sheila was given an award and promptly put my name up amongst others I hasten to add for a little bit of my own recognition. Thank you very much Sheila. I have given an acceptance speech
knitternicky said...
AHEM (cough cough)Thank You very much Sheila for making me one of your Blogger Award Choices. This is a very great honour for me and I have to say that I am extremely grateful that anyone reads it at all never minds returns for a second plus visit. Thank you that you have actually remembered it and given it a choice award is very humbling and I shall
endeavour to carry on the good work.
Ps Thanks also to my family whose makeshift meals are just eaten gratefully without too much whinging and moaning about mum trying to get something else finished, again. Whose clothes on occasion take more than the necessary day or two to be taken from the laundry basket and returned to their bedrooms, laundered and ironed. Not forgetting that their STUFF!! when littered around the home also takes a little longer than it should to be returned to it's rightful place because mum is too engrossed in knitting even for a light nagging on said items to be put away!!
06 May 2009 03:46 I am all happy and
glowy now.
I wish I was a little more tech savvy so I could customise my blog a little more and improve the look of my posts but at least the time it takes to blog has reduced
dramatically. I do keep playing with the controls etc though and hopefully will get there one day. In the meantime I think I need to add the blogs that I follow to my page so that is tomorrows job as I have just noticed my tummy rumbling and the time.
Oops more makeshift meals and housework not done ;0)